Annually Programme

  • Vesak (Buddha day) – In May, celebrating the birth, enlightment and possing away of Buddha
  • Poson – in June, celebrating the day the Buddhism was brought to Sri Lanka 
  • Esala – in August, celebrating the day the Buddha delivered the first sermon
  • Vas (Rains retreat) – from the full moon day in August (Esala) to full moon day in October(Vap), during this period devotees take turns to attend to the needs of the resident monks.
  • Katina ceremony – offering of a robe to one of the chosen monks in the lunar month following the rains retreat.
  • Blessing of devotees for the New Year (1st of January)
  • Sinhala New year celebrations on April ( 14th or ..)




Sri Sambodhi Community Development FoundationNo.84, Dacre Road, Plaistow,London E13 OPR
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